June 30, 2016 0 The Trial Attorney at Decato Law Office The Trial Attorney Lately, reading many books on amazing trial attorney’s and spending a great deal of [...]
October 13, 2015 0 THE TRIAL ATTORNEY THAT GIVES YOU STRENGTH Hoping you enjoyed your weekend with family, friends and loved ones. Decato Law Office starts off this week [...]
June 30, 2015 0 One Difference Between Mediation and Having an Attorney in a Divorce Case Latest News – Decato Law Office in Lebanon, NH. (603) 678-8000 There may be many differences, [...]
June 25, 2015 0 Emotions and Law (The Family Law side of House) Having emotions “does” happen as you work through any legal process. It is normal, expected and [...]
June 4, 2015 0 Child Custody in New Hampshire CHILD CUSTODY IN NEW HAMPSHIRE Information that may help you. When divorcing parents come into court for a [...]
May 29, 2015 0 Buy a Home Now! Buying a home costs money. Lots of money. There’s the down payment and the monthly mortgage payment and the [...]
March 12, 2015 0 Discrimination Sucks You’ve likely seen the bumper sticker that says “Mean People Suck!” Well, I’m going to carry the [...]
February 17, 2015 0 Divorce Settlements and Boiling Pots You’ve heard the saying – all boiling pots must come to a simmer. That’s obviously true, but how do [...]
February 3, 2015 0 What Caused The Breakdown of The Marriage I’m a bit of a dinosaur. If you want evidence of that – look at my bar number. It’s Bar Number 613. [...]