Action Plans with Legal Matters

“Action” is not always easy to take on!

Try this…..

Parts of an Action Plan

1. Something you want to do (not what someone else thinks you should do, or that you thing you should do)

2. Achievable – something you can expect to be able to do in a reasonable amount of time

3. Action Specific – (for example, reducing stress is not an action or a behavior, but avoiding relationships that bring stress into your life is the result of actions)

These same ideas hold true when evaluating what is the best option for you during your legal matters.

Reaching a place of knowing what you truly want is the discovery we all make as things change. Whether you are holding on, letting going or involved in a lawsuit – know what you truly want.

Having conversations with your legal counsel to understand what is achievable is the foundation of your working relationship. Often, throughout any work day at DLO I will be reminded that a Lawyer’s most precious professional product is their ability to counsel others on the laws. It has been said that the highest compliment a lawyer can receive is to be addressed as “counselor”.

Action specific pertaining to your legal matters is often when clients are ready to move towards what needs to be done. (writing your will, specific a guardian for your children should anything happen to you or simply moving out of being stuck). When legal counsel is hired you should expect action to begin.Latest News - Decato Law Office
