April 2, 2015 0 Employer Liability Let me start with some legal speak – at common law, a master was responsible for the torts of his [...]
March 19, 2015 0 The Law of Defamation On one occasion, I was researching the law of defamation. In doing so, I stumbled upon words written by [...]
March 2, 2015 0 You are Pulled over and You Did What> You’ve gone out to a fine restaurant. The waiter has handed you a wine list. You make a selection. When the [...]
February 9, 2015 0 Jurisdiction Issues in a Divorce Proceeding Clients rarely know this, but during their first interview with an attorney, the first real issue to resolve [...]
February 4, 2015 0 Interference with Parental Visitation Forgive me for using the word visitation. We generally use the words physical responsibility or parent-child [...]
January 21, 2015 0 Ruling from the Graveyard: Life Estates Consider the following language that appears in a deed (but could also appear in a will): “The [...]
January 20, 2015 0 Ripping and Tearing – How to Revoke a Prior Will You’ve just looked at the will you created ten years ago and you say “Whoa, what was I thinking?” Then [...]
January 12, 2015 0 How an Intestate Estate Passes in Vermont In Vermont, if you die without a will, but are survived by spouse, the spouse receives the entire intestate [...]
January 9, 2015 0 Will Substitutes Whenever we think of the process of transferring property at death, we always think of wills; however, there [...]
December 8, 2014 0 NH and VT — Legal Differences Decato Law Office practices in two states (New Hampshire and Vermont). Having grown up in Lebanon (a New [...]