More than 26 years ago, I started a personal training business. I became an entrepreneur.
Rather than a gym, I had a concept of working with clients in a studio space. I wanted to provide a professional, safe environment for each and every client. “The Workout Studio” came alive.
Although not many, if any, thought it would.
Rather, I heard the total opposite from many people I respect. Some family, some friends but all coming from a good place.
I believed otherwise and moved forward as a personal trainer and did it the way that felt true for me. These layers of my life I will always cherish. Thank you to so many who shared their lives with me.
At sometime, in the past ten years I decided I might like to go back to school and study another topic. Back to college I went. First, earning a degree in Addiction Counseling and then a few years later a degree in Psychology. During this time I continued to feel like all the education, experience and training were melding together.
It is powerful to work with human beings. There is not a day that passes by that I am not intrigued. Gratefully, I joined forces with Peter Decato, another person intrigued by life.
Both, Peter and myself, believe there is no end to learning, advocating and searching for answers.
Peter leads our entire litigation team that way. Whether it is our real-estate side of house, family law cases or criminal representation, Peter believes we should get out of our seats!
Peter mentors by moving from behind his desk and going out into his client’s world. He has been doing this for over 40 years.
I jumped on board with his philosophy. Makes sense!
How can I truly understand my client and their needs if I never try to understand their world?
Layering of knowledge happens with life experiences. Experiencing what another may experience or attempting to find understanding of another’s experience is the foundation from which you begin to advocate from. Truly advocate.
I have always believed you can do it the way that works for you and find your passion. Not everyone will approach life that same way. We do not all approach a profession the same way.
What is advocacy?
What is representation of our clients?
How do we want to work with our clients?
Important questions to ask!
As a consumer, ask questions before you hire anyone to represent you. Ask as many questions as you need to until you find legal representation that works for you. You have options. All Lawyers, personal trainers, therapists, financial advisers, builders, painters, etc. take different approaches.
Personally, I cannot see practicing law any differently than following Peter’s example.
Now at 46, adding another layer of experience to my life, I am grateful to have a mentor that challenges me to move from behind the desk, outside of the office and understand what you cannot understand without experiencing it.
Be Well
Keely Marie